Log in to your Facedrip account.
STEP 1: Click on the “agency”on the top side menu bar of your dashboard.
STEP 2: Click on “workspace” in the options below.
STEP 3: Choose the workspace you want to edit contact and click the “activate workspace” button. (follow this link on How To Create New Workspace)
You’re workspace will be activated successfully! (PS: Go back to your dashboard module to see the active workspace).
STEP 4: Click on “Connection” on the left-hand side menu bar of your dashboard. (follow this link on How To Add New Contact)
STEP 5: Click on ” Contact”
STEP 6: Click on ” Action” on the left side of your dashboard
STEP 7: Click on the ” Edit icon”
Input the necessary information needed below such as First name, Last Name, Email, Company, Mobile, Phone, Tags, Title, Note
STEP 8: Click on the ”Submit Button” to save edited contact.
A success message alert contact has been updated successfully
Contact updated successfully